SBI Holdings, Inc.
SBI Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
SBI Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and CEO: Yoshitaka Kitao; “SBI Pharmaceuticals”), a subsidiary of SBI Holdings, Inc., engages in research and development of pharmaceuticals, health foods and cosmetics using 5-aminolevulinic acid (“5-ALA”)*.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new product, the medical light source “Violet LD Light Source Alcedo LS-VSD” today.
This medical light source (shown in the lower right picture), having a light guide and condenser lens, enables to expose deeper tissue to the light, which was used to be impossible by using a conventional light source attached to microscope or an ordinary general light source. Alcedo is expected to be used widely for various surgery scenes.
SBI Pharmaceuticals endeavour to progress our research and development to be a company necessary for medical practice and to contribute to the healthy and fruitful life of people.
Generic Name: General Light Source (External powered Light Source for Endoscope)
Pharmaceutical Brand Name: Violet LD Light Source Alcedo LS VLD LD Laser Diode
Medical device registration number: 13B3X10159SK0010
Light source: Wavelength of LD light oscillation site: 405±5nm
Major functions: Adjustable light by 5 volume levels
Laser controllable by a foot switch to turn ON/OFF
Power Source: AC100V 50/60Hz
External dimensions: 300(W)×310(H)×431(D)mm (excluding the
Weight: 17.5kg
* 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)
An amino acid created in mitochondria. It is an important substance that serves as protein material related to energy production in the form of heme and cytochromes, and its productivity is known to decrease with age. 5-ALA is contained in food such as shochu distillation remnants and red wine. It is also known as a material forming chloroplasts in plants.
For further information, please contact:
SBI Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.: Corporate Planning Dept., Tel: +81 3 6229 0095
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